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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
Located centrally in D-building, this unit offers one of the most stunning ocean views at Kahana Sunset, overlooking the beautifully maintained grounds. A comprehensive tear-out and remodel in 2015 resulted in a design that is unique to Kahana Sunset. Notable enhancements include the addition of the largest half bath downstairs among all units and the expansion of the kitchen area with a spacious island for indoor dining. Both lanais provide pleasant options for outdoor dining, with the main lanai downstairs featuring an electric awning that automatically retracts during strong winds for protection. The unobstructed ocean view greets you immediately upon entering the unit. In 2023, air conditioning was installed, featuring a large unit downstairs and one in each upstairs bedroom, all operating quietly and efficiently. Stone countertops now grace each of the three baths and the kitchen. Near the front door, a large base cabinet equipped with charging ports adds convenience. Louvered vents in the cathedral ceiling allow trade winds to circulate through to the windows. The washer/dryer stack discreetly tucked into the kitchen area ensures quietness in the upstairs bedrooms. Owner storage includes closets in the primary bedroom and powder room, with additional storage added above the guest closet upstairs. Outside the unit, storage options include space in the water heater closet and a spacious storage room on the lower level. The entire unit was freshly repainted in 2024, completing this meticulously maintained residence at Kahana Sunset. Seller is offering a very generous $100,000 concession toward an upcoming special assessment for the beach erosion repairs. Kahana Sunset is zoned R3 (non-apartment district property approved for short-term rentals).
4909 Lower Honoapiilani Rd D6 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Realty One Group Pacifica Cell: 808-250-6901
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