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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Relax on your own private lanai and enjoy spectacular blue Pacific ocean views. Papakea G302 is a two-bedroom two-bath fully furnished condominium and features the highly sought after one-level floor plan with the master bedroom on the oceanfront side which overlooks the tranquil Koi pond below and boasts great resort and ocean views. The kitchen has been up-graded and there is ceramic tile throughout. There are 3 split AC’s, one in every room for guaranteed maximum seasonal comfort. The condo has stainless steel appliances, new paint through-out, new hot water heater and new recessed lighting in the kitchen and bathrooms. Papakea is close to 3-mile-long N. Kaanapali white sandy beach with great swimming and snorkeling. The amenities include 2 ocean-side swimming pools, 2 whirlpool spas, 2 tennis courts, 2 ocean-side cabanas, 2 pickle ball courts, shuffleboard court, 2 twelve-hole putting greens, poolside barbeques and ample parking. At dusk every evening the magical twinkling tiki torches are lit and reflect on the Koi ponds throughout the property. Papakea’s location is as good as it gets! Within minutes, an easy walk to Duke’s, shopping center with grocery store, local farmers market, fish market, coffee shops, medical clinic, restaurants, and Food Trucks, sandy beaches and snorkeling. Papakea is a peaceful Hawaiian Style low rise resort situated on 13 acres right on the ocean just a short walk to north Kaanapali Beach. The lushly landscaped grounds are immaculately maintained and adorned with red ginger and red palms.
3543 Lower Honoapiilani Rd G302 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-281-7313
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