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Single Family Home
Wailea/Makena - South Maui
NOW PRICED BELOW APPRAISED VALUE!!! Bring an Offer! Modern at Makena Landing... Seize the opportunity to live the Makena Lifestyle in this exceptionally remodeled contemporary 3bed/3bath, fully furnished, executive home. Property is complemented by a luxurious Pool and Spa and custom Sunset Deck, all perched atop historic Makena Landing beach park. This gated home is privately situated with unique 360 degree Ocean and Mountain Views from 5 lanais. Light and bright throughout with a functional entertaining floor plan that accentuates the best of Maui's Indoor/Outdoor living lifestyle. Unforgettable Primary Ensuite featuring spacious covered private lanai with 180 degree ocean and outer island views. Stunning Primary Bathroom with living edge countertop, custom Maui Lava rock shower wall, one of a kind glass etchings, Shoji Sliding door, and Two spacious walk-in closets. Remodeled Throughout: Fresh Exterior Paint, Antique Chateau Porcelain flooring, Luxe Granite and Marble Counters, Modern appointed Bathrooms with unique tiles, textures, and accents. All new Fixtures and Fans, Custom one of a kind Glass Blown Chandelier, Dining Room Featuring custom Dolce and Gabbana armchairs, New Iron Entry Gate, New Clear roof Carport and spacious Garage with extra storage and workspace. New Nest split AC system, New Appliances throughout, New Pool Equipment. Home is easy to lock and leave. Extremely close proximity to several intimate sandy beaches, and numerous world renowned dive and snorkel sites, in addition to the prestigious Makena Resort. 5065 Makena Rd is the easy ownership Makena lifestyle residence you have been waiting for. BEST DEAL IN MAKENA!
5065 Makena Rd Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-463-8485
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