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Kihei - South Maui
Amazing opportunity to own an immaculate 2 BR/2 bath, plus Large Loft unit at The Villas at Kenolio. This pet-friendly (long term rental only) complex is across the street from the beach and very near every convenience. This unit presents one of the only charcoal grey Corian countertop kitchens with spotless black appliances and plenty of room for entertaining on the 18 inch counter buffet. The flooring is tiled and carpeted throughout; all 4 rooms have individual A/C units; water is heated by an 80 gal solar water tank; full sized washer and dryer and PLENTY of storage. Carpets are less than two years new, and the unit is move-in ready. The stairway to the front door serves only this unit, for added privacy/security. Two separate parking spaces are located directly in front of the building. This complex has one of the biggest and best recreation areas; the pool area was just refurbished and beautiful, with a hot tub, gym, playground, outdoor showers, his and hers restrooms/changing rooms, BBQ's, picnic areas and bike and kayak/paddleboard storage (a must being across the street from the ocean). This is also one of the newest condo complexes in Kihei, making the price of this gem a bargain! Call your favorite agent to schedule a private tour today.
13 Halili Ln 13C Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-891-8989
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