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Vacant Land
Kapalua - West Maui
In a tranquil location in Kapalua’s prestigious Plantation Estates lies unique acreage unlike any other. One of the thirty-six original home sites, this 2.34 acre lot is surrounded by some of the most luxurious homes in all of Maui. Privacy, seclusion, and high-quality construction are paramount while maintaining a close connection to the stunning natural environment. Oriented east-west to maximize mesmerizing sunrise and sunset vistas, the lot enjoys rich blue ocean and outer island views through the mature cook pines. Backing up to a shallow gulch that’s part of an Audubon Sanctuary to preserve rare birds and native habitats, the resident benefits from a privacy buffer while listening to sweet bird songs. This exclusive gated community is integrated into the renowned Plantation Golf Course that has hosted the annual PGA Sentry Tournament for the past 27 years. Our subject property has the bonus of walkability - it is a leisurely stroll to the clubhouse for all-day dining at The Plantation House. Residents also have easy access to Kapalua Resort amenities including fine dining, spas, tennis, and hiking trails. Luxuriate in soft sandy beaches and ocean recreation in the pristine waters of the multiple marine sanctuaries year-round, with seasonal whale watching and world-class surfing at Honolua Bay. Don’t miss this opportunity to curate a custom retreat in this exceptional locale and live your ideal Kapalua lifestyle.
221 Plantation Club Dr Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-250-0840
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