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Single Family Home in Wailea/Makena - South Maui Maui
Elegant, sophisticated, exquisitely furnished, contemporary home located in quiet cul-de-sac in Wailea Golf Vistas. Great privacy afforded by ravine between Golf Estates and Golf Vistas makes lot feel much larger than 12,939 sq. ft. Enter on the ground floor into an Art Gallery. All the artwork and all the furnishings in the entire home are now included in the sale! Pictures may show artwork that has been sold. Move right in! Primary bedroom suite on the ground floor opens out to a lovely private pool. Huge guest room on the same level and a third bedroom which functions as a studio/office with a fantastic view of Molokini from one of the desks. Go up the beautiful teak stairs (might be room for an elevator in the garage or install stair chair as you age) and be stunned by the Great Room with panoramic views everywhere you look: Molokini, Lanai, West Maui Mountains, Wailea Blue Golf Course, Haleakala! Soaring ceilings and huge sliding glass pocket doors give expansive feeling of indoor/outdoor living. Sunrise and sunset lanais; deck and planter boxes surround entire upper level; you could have a "Farm in Wailea" in those planter boxes! Dumbwaiter transports groceries from garage to kitchen. "Culinary Altar" kitchen counter perfect for entertaining. First Tesla Roof Haleakala Solar did in Hawaii. This unique home was designed and owned by a renowned, prize-winning architect and his wife and has never been on the market before. Here is a marvelous opportunity to own a one-of-a-kind home. Vacant lot across the cul-de-sac owned by adjacent homeowner to the north. Notice in drone shots, proximity to world class hotels and all the amenities of wonderful Wailea. Quick closing possible as survey has been completed. Easy to see with short notice.
4281 Wailina Pl Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Pali Kai Inc Cell: 808-250-8020
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