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Wailuku - Central Maui
Wailuku is enjoying a well deserved renaissance and this incredible top floor condo is the perfect place to witness it all! Not only can you watch it unfold with your eyes from this incredible lanai, but you can walk out the front door of the building and let your TASTEBUDS do the walking through all the great cafes, restaurants, and bars all within easy walking distance. Live entertainment at the Iao, and knick knack hunting in some wonderful antique shops will round out your "big city" life in sweet old Wailuku Town. This two bedroom nest in the sky features a full bathroom, plus a bonus designer sink and vanity in the primary bedroom. Both bedrooms enjoy beautiful Maui views, and the fully equipped kitchen is a great place to [put all your Wailuku eatery leftovers] ahem, I mean exercise your culinary prowess!! We've added some virtual staging ideas to the photos via [super creepy AI] ahem - I mean cutting edge visualization technology. A dedicated parking spot close to the entrance makes for easy comings and goings. The concrete building has a reasonable HOA fee. Wailuku would love to have you. Come check it out.
2158 Main St 707 Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (Ma) Cell: 808-280-7809
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