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Kaanapali - West Maui
By FAR, the most beautiful Lower floor 2- bedroom 2- bath I’ve ever seen at the Kaanapali Plantation, since I began to market it in 1989. The location is unparalleled, and includes drop- dead gorgeous views of the crystal-clear Pacific Ocean, featuring the Friendly Isle of Molokai as a backdrop. The family has owned this property since the 70’s, and decorated it as a private home for themselves. The improvements are superb, and include an Open Floor Plan, with the kitchen, sharing the spectacular ocean views with the Great Room, and Main Suite. The unit is tiled throughout, has renovated baths with custom cabinets, showers. New appliances have been added recently. The second bedroom also is an on suite with very private, and quiet location in the rear of the apartment. The unit is being sold furnished, and turn key. Some of the artwork may not be included, as the seller, and her mother painted them. The Kaanapali Plantation is located on the world famous Royal Kaanapali Golf Course. 10 Acres are graced with mature tropical trees, flowers, and plantings. Also included is a swimming pool, a cabana, tennis court, and shuffle board. There are 62 units, consisting of 1 bedroom 2 baths, 2 bedroom 2 baths, and 3 bedroom 2.5 baths. Another tropical touch, is that the buildings are 2 stories, so the views are optimized, while keeping a low density highly desirable place to call home!, This unit is in an active Vacation Rental Program, and will only be available to show between check-ins. Total monthly costs to the association:2706.59 which will go down to $2,079.11 July 1st 2025.
150 Puukolii Rd 52 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-276-6061
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