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Single Family Home
Hana - East Maui
Globally renowned architect Les Wallach, FAIA designed this stunning residence. Celebrating breathtaking East-Maui, Hana ocean views with 1474 sqft indoor living, that flows onto an expansive outdoor enjoyment area and it's own private Water-Well! A progression of closed to openness, arranged with service spaces and ocean facing floor to ceiling glass taking full advantage of magnificent ocean views and surrounding landscape. A "Thermo chimney" allows for passive cooling airflow throughout this exceeding 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom retreat. The building is elevated on two concrete masonry cores, which free the ground plane for gathering spaces, helps keep the building dry by allowing wind to move through. Large 3/8" thick tempered storm sliding glass doors/windows define the cantilevered deck that embraces the home. A long, low metal roof plane provides shelter from heavy rains, shade. Thermidor appliances ignite the open Kitchen.Miuntes to famous Hamoa Beach, Pools of 'Ohe'o and Hana town. Must see work of ART! E Komo Mai to Koali~Hana. Video to come!
46070 Hana Hwy Hana 96713 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-Ka Cell: 808-268-0499
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