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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
Sensational spacious corner beachfront condo located on the third floor at the Sands of Kahana. Impeccable remodel and beautifully appointed condo which has two master bedroom suites, central AC., all contained within a palatial 1660 interior sq. ft. plus two lanai's of 220 sq. ft. Some of the exquisite features include custom floor to ceiling cabinets made out of monkey pod tree located in the living room and entry, wood flooring, custom finish doors & cabinetry throughout, quartz counters, and the list goes on. This condo has not been part of any rental program within Sellers ownership. The Sands of Kahana is a large beachfront resort consisting of 196 units within 4 buildings. This property has many amenities galore to enjoy from a On-site restaurant, 24/hr. front desk, two tennis courts, (2) pickle ball courts, (2) fitness gyms, (4) BBQ stations, (2) pools with (2) hot tubs with one tailored for kids and more! Sands of Kahana is strategically located between the resort destinations of Kapalua and Kaanapali on the West side of Maui. Only minutes away are the Championship Golf Courses at the Kapalua Plantation & Bay course to the north or the Royal Kaanapali & Kaanapali Kai courses to the south. There are also plentiful shopping, dining, and water activities in close proximity to meet all of your expectations. Please check with your Agent regarding the existing Master/Sandwich Lease which expires 6/30/2036. Make this your Maui home, Maui No Ka Oi!!
4299 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 324 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Sullivan Properties Inc
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