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Single Family Home
Haiku - North Shore Maui
Presenting 400 Mehana Road, a distinguished oceanfront estate on Maui's famed North Shore, featuring a quarter mile of pristine coastline and 180-degree Pacific Ocean views. The primary residence spans 5,403 square feet with 3 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms, situated 275 feet above the sparkling ocean. A separate 1,050-square-foot cottage offers additional living space with 1 bedroom and 1.5 bathrooms, discreetly positioned above the bluffs and out of view from the main home. This estate is a 15-minute drive from town and easily accessible via a paved road off Hana Highway. Additionally, it’s conveniently located within a short drive of some of Maui's top-tier schools: just 8 miles (19 minutes) to Seabury Hall and Montessori, 10 miles (22 minutes) to Carden Academy, and 7.5 miles (18 minutes) to Waldorf High School. Set on 20.5 acres, it provides a private sanctuary ideal for those seeking tranquility and sophistication. A circular driveway leads to a porte cochere and a landscaped courtyard enhanced by the slate roof and copper accents. Inside, the home features panoramic ocean views, coffered ceilings, and renovated spaces including gorgeous newly installed bamboo flooring and motorized shade screens both installed in 2024. The Chef’s kitchen includes double islands with black India-leathered granite. Two guest bedrooms are ensuite with private outdoor access. The property benefits from a 293-foot well and a 5/8-inch County water meter, providing a reliable water supply for agricultural use. The lower meadows are suitable for equestrian activities, with an edible orchard and irrigated gardens. Unique to this estate is an 80-foot waterfall along the eastern property line, creating a natural habitat for native Hawaiian green sea turtles. Private access to a secluded rocky beach enhances the rarity of this exceptional Maui estate. 400 Mehana Road offers a blend of luxury, privacy, and the natural beauty of Maui's North Shore. For further information, please contact your preferred Realtor.
400 Mehana Rd Haiku 96708 is listed Courtesy of Island Sotheby's Int'l Rlty(W) Cell: 808-283-7965
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