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Single Family Home
Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio - Upcountry Maui
8445 Kula Highway is a custom home in Keokea that boasts quality and character. Set on an acre, the home features a practical and flowing floor plan with its 3 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. As you enter, the great room feels spacious and bright with its vaulted ceilings and windows accentuating the wonderful views. The primary ensuite downstairs opens up to a lanai right in front of the calming custom rock waterfall and fish pond, perfect for your morning coffee. The upstairs area features a comfortable living area and also its own ensuite which provides gorgeous ocean and inter island views. There is an additional, separate gym area and tanning bed (both included with the sale) tucked away on the side of the home. Enjoy the picturesque West Maui mountains and ocean views from inside the home, and outside on the crow's nest deck, and at the top of the lot. The yard has recently been refreshed with new lush native plants, making it really feel like a tropical oasis. And tucked in the top corner of the lot is a secluded fire pit area, perfect for entertaining or relaxing. Furnishings may be included with an acceptable offer. Call your Realtor today to set up a showing of this unique property!
8445 Kula Hwy Kula 96790 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (W) Cell: 808-264-4123
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