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Single Family Home
Hana - East Maui
Here it is. Almost 3/4 acres on Waikoloa's black sand beach! Hear the waves crash all day and night. Are you interested? If you are read on.... This is the only home for sale on the sand! It's pure serenity in Hana! This legacy property consists of a spacious 3/4 of an acre directly on THE black sand beach (not a bluff)! Charles Lindberg, George Harrison , Pat Benatar, Jim Nabors, Vincent Price and others have chosen Hana for its peace and beauty. This spacious remodeled home, caretaker area and workshop are a short bike ride to town! The 5 bedroom 5 bath home has high speed internet and has been lovingly remodeled. There are travertine tile floors, granite countertops, custom cabinets and stainless steel appliances and Koa accents. Additionally the home comes fully furnished with a large Wyland dolphin dining table, a Boston 5'10" new baby grand piano and a 2020 GMC Acadia AT4! There is even a studio area off the garage which may be perfect for a caretaker or visitors! This property overlooks a restored Hawaiian fishpond. There is a new lava rock wall surrounding the property. The 448 square foot workshop area is plumbed and wired. The home boasts a solar array. It even has a 22k generator with a 500 gallon propane tank. Hana is the perfect escape. Live an idyllic life -- walk the bay or bike to Hana town. Appreciate the cultural significance of the heiau and fishpond. Discover why Hana is Hawaii’s best secret.
140 Waikoloa Rd Hana 96713 is listed Courtesy of Oceanfront Sotheby's International Realty
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