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Single Family Home
Lahaina - West Maui
Experience the ultimate lifestyle in this expansive and artfully designed home. Step inside to discover a spacious interior adorned with unique artistic elements, including a stunning blue-veined stone island with hand-carved wooden legs, a stylish tiled backsplash, and eye-catching pendant lights. The heated pool features playful tiled sea creatures, adding a touch of whimsy. Large pocketing doors seamlessly blend indoor living and kitchen spaces with an expansive lanai, complete with ohia posts, custom-tiled pool work, and breathtaking views of the ocean and the island of Lanai. The ensuite bedrooms open directly to the outdoor pool and patio areas, providing a seamless connection to the outdoors. Enjoy the luxury of two generously sized outdoor showers, one featuring a large stone tub. This home also boasts a 1,000 square foot workspace with a separate bedroom, connected by a breezeway and garage. Let your imagination run wild with possibilities for this versatile space–consider an artist studio, a yoga and workout gym, or a separate living area for guests or family. A detached two-car garage complements the home, with an additional garage door in the workspace area for extra access and storage. An owned photovoltaic system provides ample electricity for the home bringing the bills down to $30 a month. Set on a sprawling 1.9-acre lot, there are ample opportunities for gardening, orchards, or other outdoor projects. A large photovoltaic system powers the home efficiently. This CPR'd parcel offers its own private water supply, both potable and non-potable. Enjoy the nearby walking trails and a quick ride to the beach park, perfect for surfing and stand-up paddleboarding.
44 Iliahi Way A Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-283-7214
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