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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
This is an active Vacation Rental showing available now until March 9th. This complex is not on the Minatoya List. Stunning views await you! This condo at Kahana Sunset Resort is nestled in its tropical paradise on the beach. It's close to Napili Market Place, located between Kahana and Kapalua. From beautiful sunsets to a lovely sandy beach at Keonenui Bay, you'll find these delights just steps away from your condo. Turtles, dolphins, whales during whale season, and even the occasional monk seal can be seen right from your lanai. The tropical grounds are beautifully managed, offering inviting outdoor spaces for your enjoyment. The resort boasts a beautiful pool with a kiddie pool and two grilling areas that provide stunning ocean views while you cook your dinner. This oceanfront, townhome-style condo is beautifully updated and features the most amazing sunsets, viewable directly from your lanai. The main floor includes a living room with a sleeper sofa, dining area, kitchen, and a half bathroom. Upstairs, you'll find two bedrooms, each with an ensuite bathroom. The primary suite offers gorgeous ocean and sunset views, and you can fall asleep to the sound of the waves at night. This condo has been meticulously maintained and is available as a vacation rental through iTrip Maui. 2018: New AC, furniture, fridge, queen sleeper sofa, painting, new remodel around lanai (ceiling, drywall, and flooring) 2021: new entry door and windows Please be aware that Maui County and the Kahana Sunset AOAO are currently in discussions regarding the compromised seawall and F building. It's important to note that financing this property might not be possible, and there may be future unknown assessments. The seller is willing to credit $40,000 back to the buyer to go towards these assessments.
4909 Lower Honoapiilani Rd A8 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Lilikoi Realty
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