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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
Oceanfront and Sunset Views: Beautiful remodeled Ground Floor Condo. This convenient ground floor unit Mahana 108 is exquisitely furnished to provide the ultimate in Kaanapali luxury on the quiet north end of the development in the Molokai building. Both the living room and the bedroom are ocean front. Remodel work includes high-end tumbled travertine flooring throughout the entire unit, extended Lanai has natural slate pavers, Black Pearl Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances , Solid wood cabinetry, Recessed lighting, Large Flatscreen LCD TV's, Pebble Stone custom shower , Privacy roller shade system and much more. The Mahana of Kaanapali is a beachfront high-riser condominium community that consists of 216 units across two 12-floor buildings. The Mahana offers all the amenities of a luxurious condominium resort: a heated oceanfront pool and jacuzzi, shuffleboard, a large private grassy area with lounge chairs overlooking the Pacific, a private tennis/pickleball court, BBQ area, ATM, computer terminals. Mahana owners enjoy a quiet and relaxing tropical oasis getaway, centrally located between Lahaina and Kapalua with golf just minutes away, and nearby restaurants, bars, grocery store, farmers market all close in proximity. There are numerous shops and restaurants including Dukes located along the boardwalk. Unit has central A/C. Monthly HOA includes utilities. A must see for the discriminating oceanfront buyer. Step out of the sliding doors, cross the lanai onto a grassy area that's ideal for sunbathing, walk down a few steps, and you're in the sand. Swimming, snorkeling, and other beach activities are just moments from your door.
110 Kaanapali Shores Pl 108 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Greg Smith Broker Inc
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