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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
This condo was taken down to the studs and brilliantly remodeled in 2023 with full time living in mind. The Mahinahina Beach condos, with only 32 units, is the only oceanfront condominium complex that does NOT allow short term rentals in West Maui, creating a peaceful environment, ideal for seasonal or full-time living. This expansive 2 bedroom, 2 bath second story corner unit comes with panoramic ocean and outer island views. Enjoy spectacular year-round sunsets from the large 300 square foot living room style lanai. Access two reef bottom surf breaks directl from the property. This thoughtfully designed condo is complemented with a deeded garage parking space with an additional above ground parking spot. Complete with amenities such as your personal 7ft.x 10ft.x 12ft lockable storage room, bike storage, and a separate area for your kayaks and surfboards. An oceanside deck, swimming pool, hot tub, small gym, tiled outdoor shower and 2 nice poolside bathrooms makes this a perfect spot to embrace indoor and outdoor living. The curved sofited ceiling, tiled flooring, and sparkling quartz countertops creates a feeling of elegance while still maintaining that warm island feeling. The large island counter has a built-in wine fridge, oven, storage cabinets, and most importantly was purpose built to allow for four chairs to nicely fit underneath making a delightful dining area. Additional details include: Custom large pantry, closet organization systems, in unit W/D, all new in-unit plumbing, 3 room multi-zone mini split AC system, On-demand tankless hot water heater, and an added hallway closet. There are plans to enhance the appearance of the entire complex by installing new composite modern shakes and painting the exterior in the near future. This oceanfront condo lives like a home!
4007 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 212 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-283-7873
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