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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
This beautifully located corner upper studio at the Napili Bay Resort has been completely renovated in 2022. The seller/designer has paid attention to fashionable details throughout. All new flooring, including luxury vinyl & carpeting, bathroom vanity and flooring, kitchen cabinets, and counter tops, new appliances, scraped pop corn ceiling, new led lighting, refreshed lanais, which features a lovely ocean view. The unit has been painted throughout, with several custom design enhancements. Napili Bay is one of the most spectacular sandy beaches on the planet, and the Napili Bay Resort sits directly ocean front on the south end of Napili Bay. This premium location affords many options for fun on Maui. Located within half a mile from the world famous Kapalua Bay Course, Kapalua Bay is right next to Napili Bay, wonderful tennis and pickle ball courts at the Kapalua Golf Center. In addition, there are fine dining restaurants on both ends of Napili Bay. Shopping is close by, as are incredible hiking trails, horseback riding, Zip Lines, and lush, tropical plantings abound in all of the spots we’ve just highlighted. Come enjoy this dreamy studio home in Napili. Showings may be arranged according to occupancy. Currently in an AIR BnB Program. Some personal artwork will not be included.
27 Hui Dr 214 N Hui Dr 214 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-276-6061
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