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Kaanapali - West Maui
Three generations have cherished this incredible spot for over 45 years. This a fabulous place to call home, for so many reasons!! A home on the water in Kaanapali Beach couldn’t be touched for less than $15 million dollars. This family cherished property, could serve as a phenomenal second home, or if you chose to offset the expenses, may be legally vacation rented when you aren’t enjoying it. Hotel zoned, stunning corner unit with phenomenal views of the crystal clear Kaanapali waters lapping up on the beach below, features the Bi-Island Views of the Molokai and Lanai as a backdrop. The orientation of this luxury apartment allows for delicious Trade Wind circulation, flowing through the wrap around windows, which provide enhanced light. The Main Suite sits ocean fronting, along side the living area, and has it’s own entry into the large spacious lanais. Many improvements have been completed to this beautiful home, and must be seen to be appreciated. It is being sold fully furnished, and equipped for vacation rental success!! Your dream property on the water, and in North Kaanapali Beach, is available to view when it isn’t occupied. The current assessment, which is in place until March 2027 may be negotiated. Income figures attached, are for 2024,after GET and TAT taxes deducted. May be found Under Documents!!! Seller's personal art work will not be included. $2,576. 24 Special Assessment through 2027
110 Kaanapali Shores Pl 211 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-276-6061
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