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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Hotel Zoned with breathtaking ocean and pool views, plus serene Kealia pond views on the mountainside. Immerse yourself in a resort like atmosphere with meticulously maintained grounds and an array of amenities. Relax by the heated pool, unwind in the sauna, or rejuvenate in the hot tub. The pool deck offers the perfect spot to soak up the sun or enjoy a leisurely afternoon. Just steps away, miles of sandy beaches and the inviting ocean beckon you to seaside bliss. This turnkey unit, fully furnished and managed by a top vacation rental company, promises a hassle-free investment. Wake up to the sight of whales breaching in the distance as you sip your morning coffee on the lanai. Treat yourself to a soothing massage or grab a bite at the onsite restaurant for a truly local experience. After a day of sun and surf, retreat to the comfort of your fully air-conditioned home and witness the magnificent sunsets over the ocean horizon. This complex, zoned for short-term rentals, offers the perfect opportunity to own a piece of paradise. World-class shopping, restaurants, and golf courses are nearby. Don't miss this chance to own a slice of paradise.
145 Kihei Rd PH4 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Remax Resort Realty Cell: 808-276-3311
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