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Single Family Home
Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Welcome to your tropical oasis, a rare find in a prime location! This flexible property features a 5-bedroom, 3-bathroom home thoughtfully divided into two living spaces: a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom main level upstairs and a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom unit downstairs. Ideal for multi-generational living or rental potential! Next door, you’ll find a detached ohana (guest cottage) with its own private driveway, parking, and utilities–including a separate washer/dryer and electrical meter. The main home shines with granite countertops, bamboo cabinets, and tile and bamboo flooring throughout. Stay cool with split-level air conditioning and enjoy the benefits of photovoltaic panels and solar water heating. The spacious deck is perfect for relaxing or entertaining while soaking up those Maui sunsets. Nestled on a quiet side street off the Lower Road with only four homes, this property offers a peaceful retreat. The generous yard, 8-car carport, and additional parking space make this home as practical as it is beautiful. Whether you’re looking for an income-producing property, a family compound, or a place to spread out, this home has it all. Don’t miss this rare opportunity–schedule a showing today! Main home is easy to show. Please allow 48 hours’ notice for showings to accommodate the ohana tenant. Your piece of paradise awaits! Rent for the home and ohana was $8000 per month.
3728 Lower Honoapiilani Rd Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (W) Cell: 808-870-0966
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