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Single Family Home
Kahakuloa - Central Maui
Welcome to 425 Kaukini Loop. This recently completely remodel 2 bedroom/2 bath 2008 sq ft home offers expansive ocean, North Shore and Haleakala views. Located in The Cliffs at Kahakuloa, the house is located to the rear of the 3.422-acre lot to give it tranquil setting. This custom house is move in ready with new floors, renovated kitchen and bathrooms, new paint inside and outside, new electrical fixtures and new appliances. The upstairs, in additional to the bedroom and bath, offer a great deal of flexibility with options for a wet bar, a study/office just to name a couple of ideas. The Cliffs at Kahakuloa is located immediately north of Maluhia Country Ranches. This subdivision has underground electricity, high speed internet service (currently located at the street), weekly garbage pickup and is serviced by the Kahakuloa Acres Private Water Company. Located just 25 minutes northwest of Kahului, this 15-lot neighborhood is off the beaten path, yet still close to the Kahului airport, hospital, shopping and a wide range of services in Central Maui. Seller is motivated and is willing to assist a Buyer with a loan interest rate buy-down or participate in Seller Financing. The lot lines on the photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not be exact. Call your favorite REALTOR today to schedule a tour of this unique home and subdivision. Be prepared to fall in love.
425 Kaukini Loop Wailuku 96793-0000 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (Ma) Cell: 808-283-9654
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