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Single Family Home
Kihei - South Maui
Welcome to Kihei’s Iconic Halama St, known for its low-key waterfront traditions & easy ocean access; extremely convenient to all South Maui has to offer. A remarkably remodeled High-End “Beachy Chic” 5 bedroom/4 bath, large family home, complete w detached freshly upgraded cottage. Main home features 2 primary bedrooms + ensuite baths; 2 family rooms; 7 split system energy efficient A/C units. On the first level, you walk into a vibrant family room which opens out to a superb private yard inviting you to the sparkling, 37-foot swimming pool, outdoor BBQ area, bocce ball court. Once back inside, the family room flows into the lower hallway to 3bedrooms/2baths. On the second level the spacious open floorplan design, highlights a great well-equipped, state of the art, gourmet kitchen with top of the line, stainless steel appliances.; contiguous living room/ dining area expands through seamless indoor/outdoor transitions on to over 800sf of lanai, partially covered, offering delightful alfresco dining, lounging, family games, morning coffee and/or a relaxing sunset cocktail relishing the views of Haleakala; 2 more bedrooms/2 baths.. Ohana is discreetly private from main home & has just been exquisitely renovated from floor to ceiling. Be the very first to have extended family abide in this immaculate studio or utilize for rental income. Relax and savour all that this splendid estate has to offer. Maui’s south side neighborhood of Kihei offers walking convenience to restaurants, parks, shops, together with calm ocean conditions ideal for: swimming, fishing, boarding, snorkeling, scuba, sailing, tide pooling, surfing, foiling, winging, windsurfing, kite surfing, and whale watching (in season). This is truly a very special property for those who love to live our marvelous Maui Lifestyle.
1673 Halama St Kihei 96753-8023 is listed Courtesy of Maui Home And Life Llc
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