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Single Family Home in Kahului - Central Maui Maui
Located in Maui Lani in the desirable neighborhood, Traditions, 305 Pulihi Street welcomes you in with a beautiful and meticulously maintained home. This 3 bed, 2.5 bath home has beautiful, modern luxury vinyl flooring throughout for easy care. The immaculate home opens to a thoughtfully designed entryway to keep the clutter of the day contained with built in shelves. There is additional storage under the stairs, continuing to utilize all the nooks and crannies. The bright and open great room has plenty of room for comfortable seating for movie nights, and a large kitchen for cooking plenty of holiday meals. The kitchen is a chef’s dream with plenty of storage in the custom cabinetry, lots of counterspace and beautiful updated appliances. There is more seating at the counter for a quick family breakfast, or to linger over a glass of wine with the chef. Head upstairs to the spacious main room that is ensuite with a large bathroom and a cozy reading nook. The bedroom has a walk-in closet and a view of the spectacular West Maui mountains. The additional bedrooms have the same bright open feel, and one is set up with soft greys and blues, inviting chairs and more views of the West Maui mountains. The rooms can be used as bedrooms, an office space or an exercise room. Your imagination is your only limit. The home has a two-car garage with a full-size washer and dryer, built-in overhead storage, air-conditioning and a leased PV system. Conveniently located close to schools, shopping, restaurants, parks and more, this gem won’t last long! Contact your favorite Realtor today for more information and to schedule a showing!
305 Pulihi St Kahului 96732-0000 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-L Cell: 808-633-5205
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