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Kaanapali - West Maui
Owned and imagined by style icon Lynn Factor of the Max Factor cosmetics family for her Maui retreat, this distinctive home is in the exclusive International Colony Club. The ICC is a golf cart friendly community, made up of 44 free-standing cottages on nearly 10 acres of land with mature tropical landscaping, walking paths, and two swimming pools. Built entirely from redwood with a Hawaiian Japanese architectural aesthetic, this unique cottage offers well over 1800 square feet of living space including the enclosed lanai and has been thoughtfully designed to flow harmoniously with the natural environment. Vaulted ceilings and skylights, louvered windows, and ample storage are just a few of its many features. It enjoys a commanding ocean view location backing the Kaanapali Royal Golf Course and is just a five-minute walk or ride to sandy Kaanapali Beach, rated by Tripadvisor as one of the best beaches in the world. Authentic and imbued with character, this spacious cottage is ideal for a small family, easy Maui retirement living or your vacation home on Kaanapali’s hillside.
2750 Kalapu Dr 4 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Island Sotheby's International Realty(L) Cell: 808-359-4245
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