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Vacant Land in Wailuku - Central Maui Maui
Lowest priced vacant lot listing at Wai'olu Estates over 10,000 ft at the time of listing. This lot is priced to sell! Are you looking for a generously-sized OCEAN VIEW residential lot in an ideally-located gated community for your custom Maui Home? Wait no more! Wailuku's Wai‘olu Estates Lot 42 is ready for you! Construction has already begun on neighboring lots and the time is now to secure your lot in this sought-after community before it is completely sold out! Spanning over 1/3 acre, Lot 42 is perched high on Kiha Place, a cul de sac of just 12 custom homes sites (6 on each side of the street). Nestled in the foothills of Wailuku, the presigious gated community of Wai‘olu Estates offers tranquility and a pleasant climate, while being just minutes from healthcare facilities, Maui's Kahului Airport, retail, dining, schools, and parks. No other location offers so much opportunity to blend the perfect climate with thsi convenient location. Contact your Realtor® and tour Lot 42 and see it for yourself and let your vision for your custom Maui home come alive!
109 Kiha Pl Lot 42 Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-Ka Cell: 808-868-8673
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