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Single Family Home
Wailea/Makena - South Maui
Extraordinarily private residence with spacious salt water lap pool and detached garage in highly desirable Wailea Kai, known for its immediate proximity to world class Keawakapu beach and a multitude of Wailea's top golf, tennis, dining and shopping options. Imagine the ability to walk across the street to swim, snorkel or paddle board year round at one of the top rated beaches in prestigious South Maui! This single level home boasts many unique qualities rarely found in Wailea neighborhoods such as a gated driveway setback from the cul de sac for ultimate seclusion in a mature, tropical setting with many exotic plants, palms ornamentals masterfully planned to create a tropical island retreat. This three bed, three bath home has been completely reworked inside and out with travertine and hardwood flooring, new lighting, fixtures, paint and finishes throughout the main living spaces, kitchen and baths. Massive vaulted ceilings and windows throughout with a spiral staircase that goes up to a rooftop deck with ocean view in a tree top setting great for enjoying your favorite libation and entertaining family and friends. This is truly one of a kind, rare offering is an absolute must see!
3150 Waiea Pl Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-866-2334
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