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Single Family Home
Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Panoramic views of Molokai and Lanai await you at this exquisite home in the sought-after Kahana Ridge neighborhood. This thoughtfully designed 3,676 sq. ft. residence boasts four en suite bedrooms, two with whirlpool tubs, an additional bonus area, and a half bath on each level, offering flexibility for multigenerational living or visiting family to enjoy full comfort. The home features two separate living areas, multiple, spacious and covered lanais, and skylights that flood the home with natural light. The kitchen, living areas, and bathrooms are enhanced by recessed lighting and stunning craftsmanship throughout. Sustainability meets luxury with a fully owned 10 kW solar system with grandfathered net metering, providing low energy costs and allowing for generous use of the central air conditioning. The low-maintenance yard provides an ideal balance of outdoor beauty and ease of care. Ample storage, washer and dryer on two separate levels, a spacious two-car garage and additional parking add convenience to daily living. Situated on a 7,279 sq. ft. lot, this property seamlessly blends elegance with functionality in one of Maui’s most desirable communities. This home is move-in ready and fully furnished. Whether you're enjoying the breathtaking sunsets, hosting loved ones, or simply relishing the tranquility of island living, this home offers it all, providing an unparalleled opportunity to experience the best of Kahana Ridge and Maui’s coastal beauty.
28 Lotus Pl Lahaina 96761-8817 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Maui Prop-L
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