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Single Family Home
Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile - Upcountry Maui
Tucked away at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, this 2BR/2BA home is perched on 2+ private acres with ocean views. But there’s so much more waiting to be discovered! Imagine the possibilities with the 1,350 sq. ft. detached workshop — a space built for your biggest dreams. High ceilings, a solid concrete floor, and endless versatility make it perfect for anything from creative ventures to big projects. The property is fully fenced, cross-fenced, and even includes a stable — ideal for animal lovers or those who crave space to roam. Recent upgrades include new flooring (December) and a newer on-demand hot water heater (2023). Cozy up by the wood-burning stove on chilly evenings or take in the fresh mountain air at an elevation of approx.3,500 feet. Bonus: Not CPR’d and plenty of room to build your forever home! The rear property line is Makawao Forest gulch. This property is a rare gem that’s easy and a pleasure to show. Call your favorite Realtor to schedule a showing.
120 Ehu Iki Pl Makawao 96768 is listed Courtesy of Island Sotheby's Int'l Rlty(M) Cell: 808-283-0049
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