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Single Family Home in Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile - Upcountry Maui Maui
Enjoy breathtaking, front-line panoramic ocean views over miles of lush pineapple fields from this exceptionally spacious home in Lower Makawao. Nestled in one of Upcountry Maui’s most desirable climates, this unique property offers endless possibilities. The 9-bedroom, 8-bathroom home is thoughtfully designed with multiple private suites, each featuring its own exterior entrance while maintaining interior connections for a cohesive layout. Ideal for a large, multi-generational family or as an income-producing property, this residence offers flexibility to suit various needs. Tax records list 6 bedrooms since 3 of the bedrooms do not have a closet. The gated, 2-acre property is conveniently located near Kahului, Kula, Paia, and Haiku and boasts extensive landscaping. Highlights include, a stunning 250-foot wall of bamboo, over a dozen mature avocado trees producing hundreds of avocados annually, citrus trees including lemons, limes, oranges, and tangerines, breadfruit and a thriving banana patch. Sustainability is key, with 40 owned, net-metered PV solar panels to keep energy costs low. This extraordinary property combines breathtaking natural beauty, privacy, and a prime location. Whether you’re seeking a tranquil retreat for family or an investment opportunity, this estate is ready to meet your needs. Owner is a licensed Realtor in Hawaii and is representing this listing. Buyer must agree to cooperate in Seller’s IRS Section 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange.
201 Pau Hana Rd Makawao 96768 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Maui Prop-L
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