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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Top Townhouse is unit D301 at West Maui Trades a leasehold condo with two bedrooms, one bath, 658 square foot interior. If you love being across the street from the beach with a walking lifestyle this home maybe perfect for you. This updated unit is special because it comes with two assigned parking spaces marked 44 and 97. Doing laundry is easy and convenient with a full sized front loading washer and dryer under the kitchen counter. Quartz kitchen counters have light gray veining to look like marble. Monthly maintenance fee of $1,074.40 covers cable, wifi, water, garbage, sewer, common area maintenance and insurance, plus reserves. Great floorplan has bedrooms and bath upstairs and living and kitchen on the lower floor. Large bedroom upstairs has a big picture window with garden, parking lot and a peek a boo ocean view. West Maui Trades is a leasehold condominium, built in 1978 with 96 apartments in eight three story concrete buildings on a 1.74 acre parcel. Leasehold fee is $247 and due monthly. The lease rent is renegotiated every 10 years with current fee set to change on 9/30/27. Land lease runs through 2050. Pets are allowed. This complex is a residential condominium so, vacation or short term rentals are not allowed. Taxes are $958 a year. Great location is across the street from Honokowai Beach park and walking distance to stores, restaurants and a farmer’s market. Priced Right and Easy To Show in person or virtually.
3676 Lower Honoapiilani Rd D301 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Dinits Realty 808-874-0600
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