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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
GREAT LOCATION in Hale Ono Loa, located 1 unit back from the ocean there is the sound of the surf and the cool trade wind breezes that make this a very comfortable space with open floor plan. 208 is located close enough to the water to watch turtles on the reef and hear the surf. No noise from the lower road makes this the most comfortable space. Enjoy year-round colorful sunsets and seasonal whale watching from the living room and from your own private 176 sq ft Lanai. Beautifully updated kitchen with granite counters, bath with tiled walk-in shower and tiled flooring throughout the entire unit. Beautiful carved headboard on the Cal-King bed and the living room includes a queen pull-out sofa. Being sold completely furnished — and turnkey. There is a large lanai storage area for all your water toys and additional on-site storage for ocean-sports equipment with direct access to the ocean. Hale Ono Loa resort amenities include a large pool area, barbecue grills, shuffleboard courts and a large common area oceanfront deck to watch the sunsets and gather with friends and meet guests. Hale Ono Loa is conveniently located between Kaanapali and Kapalua providing plenty of opportunities for shopping, dining, activities, and beaches. Maintenance fee includes all utilities including electric.
3823 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 208 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-281-7313
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