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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
This garden-view, ground-floor, corner, beautifully remodeled (in 2021) studio has porcelain tile floors throughout, split system AC, kitchen w/ stove, microwave, stainless steel refrigerator, custom wood floating shelves, custom cabinets, and gorgeous quartz countertops. The deeded parking space is just steps away from your door. The bathroom is spacious with a walk-in tiled shower, windows, a teak armoire for storage, and a decorative easily sliding door. Great vacation rental history, in terms of revenue and stellar reviews. Sold fully furnished and move-in ready! Napili Ridge is a hidden treasure in West Maui, a low-density peaceful complex with gentle tradewinds, lush greenery, and beautiful landscaping. Under the direction of an efficient AOAO, together with the dedicated Resident Manager, many recent updates to the property have been done. They include: replacement of windows, new rock walls, gorgeous colorful landscaping, proper drainage, and a spalling project in order to maintain the beauty and value for the homeowners. Onsite amenities include swimming pool, BBQ area, and on-site laundry facility. The complex is a short walk to beautiful Napili Bay, Honokeana Cove, the Gazebo, Sea House Restaurant, Island Vibes Café, and the Kapalua Coastal Trail. Enjoy stunning rainbows and tropical island life from your garden sanctuary.
120 Hui F Rd J1 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Susan Jackson Real Estate Cell: 865-206-1234
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