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Condo in Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui Maui
Pohailani 301 is a Whale of a unit! The views are spectacular with whale spouts, breaches and activity on almost any given day during the whale season. There are incredible year around outer island views combined with amazing sunsets. In addition, just look out to see the turtles frolicking amongst the reefs. The unit is a top floor corner unit and very private; arguably the best unit in the complex. It has been extensively remodeled throughout and shows amazingly well with tile flooring, custom cabinetry and bamboo textured ceiling. There is also a split AC unit, stack washer dry unit, and beautiful walk-in shower with glass enclosure. The unit is well appointed with a very relaxing Maui beach vibe. Pohailani is situated on both sides of the Lower Road. The ocean front units are zoned Hotel, so vacation rentals are allowed. The unit is heavily booked with very impressive income numbers and considerable future rentals to be honored. The community features two pool areas, tennis, pickle ball and bbq areas. All of the boxes are checked, so make an appointment to preview this listing and get your offer submitted before it is gone.
4435 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 301 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Maui Real Estate Advisors Llc 808-875-4444
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