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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Peaceful, private, and amazing location! Welcome to Kanoelani Apartments, the charming Kihei condo complex with only 6 units total and only one block from the ocean! These condos rarely come on the market and unit A is now available. This cute 2 bedroom, 1 bath, ground floor, corner unit is in a peaceful garden setting that provides a serene living environment. The largest unit in the building, there is a brand new W/D, on demand tankless hot water heater, and a new window A/C. And there is even a sweet little window nook off the living room area where you can sit and enjoy your morning coffee and that provides a lot of natural light. In the back you will find a private pool, a BBQ area, and a place for your paddle boards so you can enjoy the island lifestyle. The complex is also pet friendly! Situated just down the street from South Maui Gardens, you can enjoy the food trucks and all their events without needing your car. And this condo is just up from Cove Park, Kalama Park and Charley Young Beach so you can enjoy beach living not far outside your door. This really is an awesome location that is hard to beat! Contact your favorite Realtor today and come see this rare opportunity at Kanoelani Apartments. It truly is a best kept secret on Maui.
2065 Kanoe St A Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-L Cell: 808-707-0504
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