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Condo in Maalaea - South Maui Maui
Ma’alaea Mermaid Condominium — Your Slice of Paradise Experience the charm of Ma’alaea in this beautifully maintained ocean-view condominium at the Ma’alaea Mermaid. This unit offers a seamless open-concept design that lives like a 2 bedroom with extensive tile flooring meticulously installed by a tile professional, creating a luxurious and durable interior that reflects craftsmanship and style. This condo offers a new elevator with two parking spots with one covered and one uncovered parking stall. This pet-friendly condo boasts breathtaking views directly overlooking Ma’alaea Harbor, where boats constantly come and go, providing a dynamic maritime backdrop. Just steps away, the Shops at Ma’alaea offer convenient dining and entertainment, including the renowned Maui Ocean Center, Havens restaurant, and various charming shops. Unparalleled Location and Amenities Perfectly situated, this unit provides easy access to an array of activities. From the harbor, you can embark on snorkeling tours to Molokini Crater, whale watching expeditions, and sunset cruises. The nearby Maui Zipline, mini-golf, and marine attractions ensure endless entertainment for residents and visitors alike. The spacious master suite features elegant glass accents, while the private lanai invites you to unwind with a pau hana cocktail, overlooking the vibrant marine landscape of Ma’alaea Bay.
20 Hauoli St 201 Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-357-4219
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