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Single Family Home in Haiku - North Shore Maui Maui
Fixer-upper, possible tear-down home in a convenient part of Haiku near Hana Hwy. Large parcel of land at 0.634 of an acre, or 27,617 sf of land. Property is overgrown with many trees. Agents and potential buyers must sign a permission and general release form prior to viewing, and enter at own risk. Signs of moisture damage are visible in the property. No Real Property Seller's Disclosure Statement will be provided as this is a court-ordered sale per HI Rev Stat § 508D-3 Exemptions, therefore, I-1, I-2, I-3 and I-4 of the Purchase Contract are Not Applicable (NA). J-3 Property Condition Maintenance and Final Through shall be NA. Mark J-4 Withheld/Collected Funds for Repairs/Maintenance as NA. Mark J-7 Existing Warranties Plans, etc as NA. J-8 Removal of Items from Property shall be NA. Seller will not clean (mark J-9 as NA). Mark J-10, Animal Related Treatment, as NA. L-2 (Termite Inspection Contingency) and L-3, L-4 are NA. Unknown if property is served by a cesspool. Offer must include "As-Is" Condition Addendum. Property is listed at recent appraised value. The red lines surrounding the property boundary on some of the listing photos are just an approximation and may not fully or accurately represent the true boundary.
77 Peahi Rd Haiku 96708-0000 is listed Courtesy of Delmore Realty kim@delmore.net
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