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Condo in Kaanapali - West Maui Maui
Live and Love Direct Beachfront Kaanapali: Maui Life at Mahana #508 features Unsurpassed views and oceanic sensory experience. Envision floor to ceiling: ocean, outer island, year-round sunsets, and seasonal whale watching. Muse on swaying palm trees, listen to waves lapping golden sand shores, and smile at the best that Maui has to offer. This hip and fresh space was remodeled in 2022 and is being offered as a fully furnished primary residence, second home or very successful Hotel- Zoned vacation rental property with central AC (electric, internet and cable included in HOA fee). The glass sliding door has been recently replaced, the lanai retiled and waterproofed, and new automatic window shades were just installed making that ocean view even more dramatic! Designer furniture and artwork throughout perfectly accent the handsome modern surfaces. New tile flooring, recently painted, newer appliances, and custom lighting. Pacific blue furniture brings the stunning exterior surroundings into the home rather than overwhelming the space. Think Bright, Airy, and Fun! Relax and enjoy the heated pool, jacuzzi, BBQ facilities, tennis and pickleball courts, shuffleboard, all within a few steps from the gold sand and crystal water. The reef directly in front of the Mahana is home to a beautiful variety of colorful tropical fish, green sea turtles, and vibrant coral formations. The Mahana is a highly revered direct beachfront complex sitting directly on North Kaanapali Beach. After your morning swim/walk, take the 100-yard beach walk stroll down to the renowned Duke's Beach House Restaurant. The Mahana is centrally located near a myriad of local restaurants and food trucks along with a full-service grocery store for your convenience. The grounds and landscaping of the Mahana are flawless, as are the verdant slopes of the West Maui Mountains serving as the backdrop for the Mahana.
110 Kaanapali Shores Pl 508 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-281-2178
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