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Kihei - South Maui
Simplicity and elegance sets the tone as you enter this meticulously cared for home. Tastefully decorated with the owners collection of art and pieces from around the world this unit has never been rented. Updated with the highest quality of workmanship and no expense spared for craftsmanship. The bar area boosts a 78 bottle Sub Zero wine cooler along with two refrigerated beverage drawers. The bath features dual glass vessel sinks and custom enclosed marble shower. The bedroom has a California King Bed along with many built-ins and custom furniture. Wolf, Miele and Sub Zero appliances adorn the beautiful island kitchen, new dual split Mitsubishi AC, custom cabinetry of Afrormosia and Olive Ash Burl, custom tile and granite work are just a few of the many upgrades in this rare offering in North Kihei's most sought after property. The views from the lanai, living room and kitchen looks like a postcard offering panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, Molokini, and Kaho'olawe. Stroll on six miles of silky golden sand on beautiful Sugar Beach just steps away! This low density resort offers beautiful landscaping, BBQ areas, shuffleboard, two pools, new tennis, basketball and pickleball courts. Ma'alaea Surf Resort is Hotel Zoned and vacation rental is allowed. Contact your favorite realtor for a private showing.
12 Kihei Rd C2 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Ku 808-281-8083
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