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Single Family Home
Haiku - North Shore Maui
This estate is Maui North Shore perfection. West Kuiaha Meadows is the pinnacle of Haiku living. Stunning ocean views and dreamy trade winds, the home is perfectly situated to capture it all. The property is both lush AND sunny, a rare combination. The expansive main home is open and lofted with a north facing wall of windows allowing for uplifting ocean views from almost anywhere in the house. The wide central staircase to the open catwalk hallways amplifies the unencumbered feel. Multiple covered lanais allow for gatherings or a quiet place for personal retreat. The main floor primary bedroom includes a sunroom for wellness treatments or home office. A large upstairs room was converted to a music studio with a sound booth. The chef's kitchen compliments the entertaining qualities of this home. Large PV system with new Tesla Powerwall 2. The beautifully designed custom aluminum front gate and paved driveway leads to an oversized 3-car garage, plenty of room for cars and your north shore toys. Pastoral landscape with abundant fruit trees and tropical vegetation. Two small barns for your love of animals and farming endeavors. The cottage is a fully permitted 1 bed / 2 bath + office, built in 2018 with a separate address, driveway, and a detached garage. Owner/ Co-lister holds an active real estate license in the State of Hawaii.
785 Kuiaha Rd Haiku 96708 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-264-1960
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