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Condo in Wailea/Makena - South Maui Maui
Wailea Palms fully furnished 3202 has a private location in the complex, on the second level overlooking meticulously manicured landscaping and a putting green. The light-filled living area has double sets of glass sliding doors which open to a spacious lanai and a stunning ocean view, which includes the island of Lanai. In season, one can whale-watch from this vantage point. The master bedroom also has glass sliding doors with the same ocean view. Extra closets and storage have been added to enhance full-time living. Flooring is marble and travertine and cabinetry is Cherry and Sapele. Kitchen has granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and includes a wine fridge. Washer/dryer is full size, and beds are king-sized. Blinds, fans, refrigerator, cooktop and exterior cabinets are new. Wailea Palms has a gated entrance and is a residential condominium which allows a 6-month minimum rental, with no short-term vacation rentals. This property features an 80’-long tile-bottomed community pool, hot tub, an open-air pavilion with appliances and barbecue for entertaining, all with the ocean view, and also has a small fitness center. Wailea Palms is part of the 1500 acre Wailea Resort, a master-planned community with first-class restaurants and hotels, championship golf courses, tennis facilities, world-class shopping, white sand beaches and ocean recreation. Beaches are within walking distance, or a short drive with available parking.
3150 Wailea Alanui Dr 3202 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Ku Cell: 808-250-1769
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