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Vacant Land in Spreckelsville/Paia/Kuau - North Shore Maui Maui
Spreckelsville living at its best! A unique and rare opportunity to secure vacant land in the highly desirable and sought after old Country Club neighborhood on Maui's Northshore. The property is located within a few minutes’ walk to sandy Sugar Cove beach, Baby beach, Baldwin beach, and Maui Country Club. Walk, bicycle, or drive to nearby historic Paia town which offers shopping and restaurants bars among other commercial services. Kanaha Beach Park, Spreckelsville Beach, and Ho’okipa beach Park are only minutes away for all the extreme watersports Maui is world famous for. The lot is part of a residential CPR and is designated for an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit). Design and build your dream Maui 'beach' cottage with potential Ocean and mountain views from a 2nd story. Per Maui County Code Chapter 19.35: Maximum gross floor area up to 840sqft of living space; up to 320sqft of covered/uncovered open decks, walkways, patios, lanais, or similar structures; up to 500sqft garage/carport. Public utilities (water, sewer, electricity, cable, telephone) are available and can only be applied for upon approval of new building permits. This is a residential CPR.
301 Paani Pl Unit D Paia 96779 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop(S) Cell: 808-280-8118
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