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Kaanapali - West Maui
If you are looking for a luxurious oceanfront condo at a price point from four years ago, you’ve found it! From your private lanai, you will enjoy watching and hearing the waves break. If you love the idea of being lulled to sleep by the sound of the ocean, you can experience that from either of your bedrooms. When it comes to luxury, the attention to detail is exquisite. This renovated condo features fine crown molding throughout. All interior rooms have new six-panel doors. The kitchen counters and backsplash are finished with fine sea-green marble, complemented by a stunning panel featuring beautiful wild macaws. The appliances are all high-quality stainless steel. Both bedrooms offer breathtaking ocean views. As a bonus, the primary suite also features a private lanai, perfect for enjoying your morning coffee. The primary bathroom, as you might expect, is luxuriously appointed with quality cabinetry, stunning granite countertops with double sinks, and an oversized walk-in shower. This is the best buy on Maui for a high-end oceanfront condo. Contact your favorite Realtor for more details and to arrange a showing today! This popular 10-acre condominium hotel boasts two swimming pools, two spa pools, saunas, a fitness center, two tennis courts, and a Pickleball court. You can relax at the poolside restaurant for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There are convenient gift shops, a food pantry store, and a beauty salon located on the premises. This is a world-class location with high vacation rental potential. Lay back and make Kaanapali Shores your Hawaiian getaway! This property has a history of high rental occupancy and income for owners who want to participate in vacation rentals. Maintenance fees include all utilities, such as electricity (central A/C), water, sewer, trash, Wi-Fi access, cable TV, and local phone service, as well as storm, flood, and general liability insurance. The maintenance fees also include a monthly contribution to the Capital Reserve Fund for major building components, such as roofs, painting, pools, spas, and other amenities.
3445 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 304 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-Ka Cell: 808-276-8776
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