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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Ocean views and space are in abundance with Kamaole Sands 10-314. This unique property offers an unparalleled living experience with a sprawling nearly 1300 square feet of luxurious comfort. And no stairs! This beautifully appointed residence features: Expansive Layout: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, AND a versatile family room complete with a queen-size Murphy bed. This unique floor plan transforms the family room into a private 3rd bedroom with a provided privacy divider, comfortably accommodating up to 6 adults. Stunning Ocean Views: Enjoy captivating vistas of the Pacific Ocean from your wrap around lanai and select living areas. Recent Renovations: Experience the fresh, modern feel of this condo, boasting new interior doors, floating ceilings, state-of-the-art split AC units for optimal comfort, brand-new stylish furniture, high-end mattresses for restful nights and a full sized washer and dryer. Kamaole Sands Amenities: Indulge in the resort's world-class amenities, including lush tropical landscaping, multiple pools and hot tubs, tennis courts, BBQ areas, and direct access to Kamaole Beach Park III. Prime Location: Situated in the heart of South Kihei, you'll be a short distance away from pristine life guarded beaches, renowned restaurants, and vibrant shopping. To ensure a seamless transition for existing guests, the sellers are requesting that the buyer honor all future bookings.
2695 Kihei Rd 10314 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Ku Cell: 808-283-9709
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