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Single Family Home
Haiku - North Shore Maui
Retreat to a haven of peace and tranquility and enhance your connection with nature on this stunning 2 acre property in Haiku. With soaring ceilings and an expansive open floor plan, the heart of the home is the remarkable 1,248 sq ft main salon. An abundance of light and space create a sense of freedom. Step directly outside onto the 576 sq ft covered lanai, ideal for outdoor dining or simply soaking in the idyllic atmosphere. Originally designed as a 3 bedroom, the floorplan was opened up and converted to a large 1 bedroom with an attached sewing/sunning room. 2 bathrooms and 2 large walk-in closets allow plenty of space for storage. The house is surrounded by 2 magical, fully fenced acres with dozens of exotic trees, vibrant flowers, and an organic garden that beckons a sustainable lifestyle. Thoughtfully equipped with Owned Photo Voltaic, solar hot water, a fully insulated roof, split air conditioning, and a garage workshop, this is more than just a home; it's a sanctuary. Separate from the main house is an adorable private guest space with a bathroom. AND this amazing property borders on an EMI trail that leads to a waterfall…tucked away just steps from your own backyard! Schedule a showing and come experience this special property for yourself.
1084 Nanihoku Pl Haiku 96708 is listed Courtesy of Equity One Real Estate Inc (M) Cell: 808-276-3244
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