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Condo in Kapalua - West Maui Maui
Nestled within the renowned Montage Kapalua Bay, this exquisite, newly remodeled oceanfront residence is poised on a premium front row location in the highly sought-after building one, providing unmatched direct beach access, phenomenal ocean views and whale watching from your private lanai. This unique residence is the epitome of barefoot luxury! It is truly a one-of-a-kind beach home that features an open-concept design that meticulously merges indoor and outdoor living spaces. Residents can indulge in luxury amenities on over 20 acres of resort property, and retreat back to your private residence with a custom landscaped yard and garden oasis overlooking the pacific ocean. It's ideal for friends and family gathering, making unforgettable memories. What an incredible lifestyle opportunity! Experience everything Kapalua has to offer with nearby championship golf courses, tennis and pickle ball courts, water activities, fine dining, and some of nature's most stunning hiking trails in the world.
1 Bay Dr 1205 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Compass Cell: 808-283-3436
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