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Single Family Home
- South Hilo
Enchanting property will weave it's way into your heart! With almost 7 acres of tastefully manicured greenways, the property hosts fruit trees, florals, and a vintage home which could be 2 separate units. Did I mention it also offers a place to host to your own 3 hole golf tournament? A producing avocado and white pineapple patch greet you as you enter the long driveway where you will find a home built by a master carpenter for his own use. The original carport has been screened in to create a fun space to relax, and live the way we love to live in Hawaii! Enter the home up a few steps to the upper area where the original kitchen area has been opened to a great room, where oversized windows look out at the private setting beyond. The original oak floors have been exposed and are ready for your finishing touches. Down the hall where 4 bedrooms are now 3, the main bath has been completely updated to modern standards. At the rear of the home, a primary bedroom has been created by removing the wall between two smaller bedrooms. Downstairs a wetbar area and bath (also updated), large sitting area and bedroom could easily be accessed thru the exterior entrance, making it possible for guests or even tenants to have their own private space. Exit this space to find an oversized carport area and enclosed workshop. Don't be fooled by the square footage, this home lives large! The best feature by far is the unique location just a few minutes from Hilo, Keaau, Panaewa Zoo and the equestrian center. Priced so that future renovations will still be in budget, this property is ready for you and your Ohana to love for years to come!
28 Hale Manu Dr Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker Llc
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