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Condo in - South Hilo Hawaii
This is the town home you have been waiting for! Located next to a park and walking distance to UH, Hilo Medical and Bayfront. Completely remodeled in 2025 this town home is perfect for first time buyers, second home owners and retirees looking to downsize. Located on 7 beautiful tropical acres this townhouse complex has a pool and a covered carport. Sorry-STVR not allowed. No downstairs bedrooms.
-Small back yard area looks towards a hill- total privacy.
-HOA fee is $410/month: includes maintenance of the building, grounds, common areas, swimming pool, interior road maintenance, rubbish collection, exterior property insurance and pest prevention.
-Mail delivery is to the unit.
-The total number of units is 60 on an area of about 7 landscaped acres.
-This complex is also small-pet friendly!
-New W/D, disposal, refrigerator, range, new flooring upstairs, new fixtures, nice stone countertops.
We are offering credits for items that still need to be completed. Primary will have a closet prior to closing and the stairs will have pickets.
*Recent sales comps make this condo a steal at this price.
Priced to sell!!
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950 Kumukoa St C203 Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Ranch And Resort Realty, Llc
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