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Single Family Home in - Maui
This property is tucked away on the majestic slopes of Haleakala, in cool Upcountry Kula. The covered lanai boasts an amazing view of the Pacific, South Maui, and Ma'alaea. Can you imagine evenings that bring crisp air and spectacular year-round sunsets? If so, this could be the property for you! This classic 90's kama'aina home is in excellent original condition! With 3 bedrooms and equal bathrooms, this home has ample space for whatever you might imagine. 2 primary suites are found on either side of the home, each with direct access to the covered lanai which stretches the entire length of the house. Cedar-lined vaulted ceilings are throughout the living, dining, and kitchen areas, adding to the charm and spacious feel. On cold days or nights, the fireplace can be perfect to warm and cozy up the home.
The interior home provides a large pantry for ample storage and has a dedicated laundry room. A bathroom has been modified with an easy-to-access shower, grab bars, and a low counter. The exterior of the home features a wheelchair ramp from the garage to the main door, which can be used for porting heavy groceries, strollers, or ease for young ones and elders. With the removal of the ramp, the garage will be accessible for 2 vehicles.
The property is located near the bottom of a cul-de-sac at the end of a private road so there is very little through traffic and light pollution.
Beneath the home is an additional room, currently serving as a personal work/craft shop, but there are many other potential possibilities - a library, an office, a home gym, perhaps? Most of this half-acre is fenced and includes various potted plants, ti leaf, lilikoi, mac nut, banana, and koa trees. Considering Kula - consider this a must visit!
499 Kolohala Dr Kula 96790 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Homefinders Of Hawaii
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