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Condo in Kaluakoi - Molokai Molokai
A Rare find on Molokai! Totally remodeled Oceanfront 2 bedroom , 2.5 bath at Paniolo Hale Unit G-2. Enjoy beautiful island sunsets of the blue Pacific Ocean with Diamond Head in the backdrop. The lush canopy landscaping includes tropical flowers, fruit trees and much more. This large townhouse has been totally transformed and luxuriously remodeled down to the studs. Fantastic floor plan has open beam ceilings with large plantation style doors that open to the spacious screened wrap-around lanai. There is a wonderful tropical island feel as you listen to the crashing waves and see the wide panoramic ocean and beach views. The owners did not hold back on the details to make this condo the very best it can be. The wood flooring consists of Brazilian hardwood and the finest Mahogany is used for the staircase and trim. The kitchen is state of the art with high end appliances, beautiful granite and custom cabinetry. The upstairs has also been completely transformed to accommodate a large bedroom, bathroom, built-in washer and dryer area, walk-in closet, office suite and storage spaces. Off the master bedroom is a wonderful private balcony that provides a fantastic area to just relax and enjoy the beautiful upfront and close views of the ocean and beaches.
100 Lio Pl G-2 Maunaloa 96770 is listed Courtesy of Molokai Realty Llc Cell: 808-646-0837
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